5555 Chambersburg Rd Huber Heights, OH 45424
Christians growing in Faith by: Caring, Connecting, & Serving Community
Sunday Worship 10:30 AM

Rev. Julia Williamson
All are welcome
Bread for the World – "An Offering of Letters"
The world is living through unprecedented times. The coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing anxiety, uncertainty, and disruption. As is often the case, people living in hunger and poverty are likely to suffer the most.
Though we may feel powerless and overwhelmed, we are not. Now is the time to heed God’s call to care for the “least among us.”
You do not have to wait to write a letter you can do it now. By clicking on the links below you will be letting your representatives know this is important to all of us.
Hand written letters are encouraged, with a personal story about your interest in hunger. However,you may click on the sample letters below if you are unsure how to proceed.
It doesn't matter what side of the isle in Washington our representatives work on it is important that those who need help receive it. So join us as we support hope for all by sending a letter with us.
Setting the Table
Bread for the World’s grassroots mobilization and bipartisan advocacy in 2022 proved yet again to have a significant impact on furthering policies that can help reduce hunger in the U.S. and internationally.
With support from members like you, Bread for the World was particularly instrumental in getting the Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act (GMPTA) to pass in September 2022, which will assist millions around the world with access to nutrition. The passage of GMPTA happened because of Bread advocates and demonstrates the need for similar concerted efforts to drive legislation such as the Farm Bill in 2023 and beyond.
As we highlight the remarkable impact and legislative victories of 2022, along with our extensive rebranding and deepening partnerships, we also commit to persisting in all seasons. Though the past year brought many celebratory moments, our work to help end hunger will continue — as it has so many times before — even in seasons of serious difficulty, when results may be less abundant or tangible.
What is the Offering of Letters About?
The focus is again on nutrition. While global nutrition advocacy continues behind the scenes, we will focus our letter writing campaign on helping those experiencing hunger in the United States. This includes support for the Hunger-Free Summer for Kids Act (S.1918) and increasing funding for the Summer Electronic Benefit (EBT) pilot program.
Of the nearly 22 million children who receive free or reduced-price lunch at school, only 3.7 million receive food assistance in the summer, leaving more than 18 million children behind.
For children, even brief periods of hunger carry consequences that may last a lifetime. Food insecure children are more likely to experience learning and academic difficulties, and poor general health. Child nutrition programs are an important safeguard against child hunger, yet too many children are left without the nutrition they need when they are out of school, especially in the summer months.